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Gender equity is enshrined in the constitution.   It provides the post of National President for Women, voted exclusively by women. Her mandate is three years renewable once just as that of the President General. This constitutional provision has galvanized them and their input in the development of Awing is inestimable. The women empowerment centre is one of the biggest achievements registered by women. Elsewhere they have contributed in promoting healthcare through educative talks and seminars on the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Awing women's wing of NACDA started in 1989 after a women's seminar, organised in Bamenda by Mrs Lucy Mbangwana. The women wing emphasised women's economic, social and economic role in th society.


Nkeum-mengye MBANGWANA neé Lucy AKWESSE (1989-1995)

As poineer National President of women wing of NACDA, she went round from province and in all the qduarters of Awing to mobilise women for their development and that of the village. She organised seminars to educate women on soap making, rubbing oils, fabric dyeing, simple cough mixtures etc. She believes in active and massive involvement of women in self-reliant projects and so persuaded them to build quarter women centres. It was in the vein that she searced and obtained assistance from Canadian Embassy to rehabilitate the two women's centres at Ntenela and Achialum. Later on she was offered a donation of two corn mills to the women's centres by USAID. She equally tried to raise the poor health centre into a cottage health establishment by equipping it partly. Mrs Lucy Mbangwana attened and participated in many seminnars on behalf of NACDA women and made NACDA known to the international community.She gave leadership to the Lake City Sisters in Yaounde


Nkeum-mengye AYAFOR neé JUSTINE MELOH (1995-1998)

When she was elected into this office of national President of women wing of NACDA, she continuedd with more determination with the development projects of her predecessor like the cottage hospital, demonstrations of home-made products on soap making, cough mixtures, rubbing oils. Child and material care receuived her enthusiastic attention as she educated women on dieting an breast feeding. She waged war on aids as a pandemic disease. Socially and culturally, she decried the hardship of widowhood and its attendant ills. To the women's relief, the long period of widowhood rituals was shortened to 3 days. The President equally believed in quarter women's centres and this yield her fruits and the women built Mbetu women centre.

Nkeum-mengye ASANA neé REBECCA NGWENYI (1998-2004)

Mrs Becky Asana gladly accepted her election and is saw in it many challenges to accomplish for the Development of Awing women.

She sees them in a state of slumber and is determined to move them around. She wants to continue work on the cottage hospital her predecessors spent a lot of energy on. She has a cherished dream of creating a social centre where women and girls should be able to learn home craft and restauration as an economic activity.

She is bent on reviving groups that are no longer functioning. Mrs Becky Asana is already planning a seminar on leadership of women's group. She is not afriad of challenges. They are rather a stimulus to her.

Nkeum-mengye Glory Mbangwana (2004 - 2010)

I took over the command baton from the former president with the promise to continue with the project she began, that of building a befitting social centre in our village.  During my six-year mandate, I did just that.  With the untireless support of the women, that enabled us during this period to raise the staggering sum of almost thirteen million cfa francs it was possible under my leadership to raise the walls and gable ends of our magnificent hall, roof it,  fabricated and affixed the window protectors and doors, built the stage, concreted the floor, and connected water.
Under my leadership also, we were able to buy and demolish an old house which was shielding the centre under construction, this to ensure that it stands out tall and strong at its sight for purposes of better visibility.
Aside from the work on the women’s social centre, three editions of the women’s inter-branch competition that takes place every two years as well as two editions of women’s football competition played every December were successfully organised under my leadership. These, not leaving out the village inter-quarter competition that comes up every December as well.  All of these were initiatives to encourage and draw women to the meetings.  The outcome was very positive.  It brought back life into the meetings.
            Under my tenure of office, I continued with the cry and plea launched by my predecessors for an equivalent of the “red feather” to honour women for their hard work in the village.  That cry was finally heeded to, and the first series of Nkem-mengyies were crowned.

Manyi Fopelo Beatrice (2010 - 2016)













Nkeum-mengye ASANA Felicia Akweseh. (2016 -)

Plan of action. Minor projects-
1_plastering of back wall of the hall.
2_fitting of inner doors from the main hall to inner rooms.
3_ repair of stairs from the main hall to the inner rooms.

Major projects_
1_Equipment of social centre.
The center will eventually contain sections for the following activities: Tailoring for both boys and girls, carving, décor, catering, ICT, hair dressing etc.For this year, we intend to begin with Tailoring and carving. We also intend to build a packing store below the hall and also to build temporary separations in the hall when we start having more than one sections of the center operational. In future, We will have to acquire Land to construct a full time home economic center. We are still working out modalities of operation before procuring the machines for the Tailoring workshop. Send us your suggestions and proposals please. Have a blessed day.

We are discussing modalities for operating the social centre with the Regional Delegation of Social Affairs and possible assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.


Mme Tantoh née Tanjong Justina Mankah.

Vice National President

Manyi Fopelo Beatrice

First Adviser

Awah Anastasia Ngwinachop

National Treasurer

Ngonganang Glory NE Ngem. Financial Secretary


Chefor Florence Ngwemetah.

National Secretary

Ngono Mirabele

Vice National Secretary




List of NACDA Women's wing Branches.

Bamenda 1_Center
Bamenda 2_Nkwen
Bamenda 3_Abangoh
Yaoundé Center
Yaoundé North
Yaoundé East
Douala Bonaberi
Douala Wouri
Douala East
KUMBA Mbouda
Home Branch
Ekondo-- Titi Bertoua
Gabon -Oyem
Diaspora--North America.


Other Women's wing exco members-

Ngono Mirabel- Vice Secretary- Bafoussam.
Mukong Margaret-- Project Chairperson- Bonaberi.
Awah Regina-Advicer- Buea
Gwenji Christina- Advicer- Limbe
Nji Elizabeth-Adviser- KUMBA
Njam SUSAN- Protocol officer- Yaoundé.
NDI Clotilde- Protocol officer- Bamenda
Asangwing Florence- Cultural officer- wouri.